Faun trackway Pro Aero mat
As one of the more recent additions to our already fantastically diverse selection of mats, the Faun mats we will be supplying are guaranteed to become an excellent addition to your project.
Faun trackway and access matting selection of mats are manufactured using the very same requirements and techniques as those used to create their toughest industrial mats. These off the shelf mats have even been used to provide quick access for the aviation industry, by creating a stable surface on which aircrafts can safely move. On offer is 2 version perforated and solid surfaces,that prevents water-pooling and aqua-planning, excess water can drain through the matting systems.
CBRM has created a brand of mats which have become immensely popular for a number of different reasons.
For starters, our team of in-house professional engineers who use their progressive ideas to create the best quality products came up with the “Faun” environmental trackway alternative, the kind which are more than capable of handling the various logistical challenges and as a result, create a sustainable surface solution.
All of the environmental, CBRM Faun products are made to be environmentally friendly as the company is committed to protecting the environment by practicing ethical manufacturing techniques. All of the products are made to be long lasting as well as recyclable. In addition, the mats are made to protect the surface upon which they are placed.
CBRM Faun matting
Ideal for any surface upon which a temporary road needs to be placed, Faun matting is the perfect solution for an area which experiences a heavy movement of traffic, from machinery such as air crafts, or is placed in an extreme climate which requires a durable surface solution.
Just as the matting is incredibly easy to install, it is just as easy to remove. These portable mats are perfect for creating runways and they are also ideal for the quick installation of mats for emergency situations.
With Faun matting, you can expect excellent functionality as well as unbeatable quality and the kind of superior durability that makes the mats perfect for use on all kinds of terrains across the globe.
CBRM mats have been manufactured for the past few decades and by using only the best quality materials, they are more than capable of having a really long lifespan. The mats are not only suitable for the harshest of climates but they are also made to suit all kinds of surfaces as well as those terrains which are considered inaccessible. Mud, sand, forest, snow and even marshy landscapes can be equipped with Faun matting.
The reason why these mats are so perfect for their purpose is that they provide a high traction surface which can be quickly installed, and quickly recovered once they are no longer needed.
The matting is made using a modular system which consists of several single aluminium panels which are connected with tongue and groove joints. Each of the panels is secured by a quick release pin. The joint set up allows the articulation of each panel.
These mats are incredibly easy to clean and it is important, to ensure many years of durability, that the mat is correctly cleaned before it is packed away.
The way in which the matting is designed and manufactured allows it to be spilt into as many sections as needed, which gives it a wonderfully flexible character.
The key features and benefits of the Faun mat
- They are incredibly easy to install and maintain.
- The modular design is easy to set up and easy to recover.
- The matting can withstand damage by foreign objects.
- It creates a stable surface upon which even aircraft can land.
- The mats are created to be 95% recyclable.
- These mats are highly effective for all kinds of surfaces.
- They are effective for all kinds of environments
If you need more specific information about CBRM faun trackway solutions for sale or you want to find out more about our various other mats, you can get in touch with our helpful team or you can find more information on our website.