Airport Solutions 🥇 for Airport Operators, Matting Solutions for Aviation

Airport Solutions

Matting Solutions for Airport Operators

       Are muddy edges on the shoulders of your Airport ground surfaces leading to this?




Welcome to the F3 Group Aviation division where our focus is to ensure that we have a matting solution for your every need including:

  1. Shoulders for movement and maneuvering areas
  2. Shoulders for Runways
  3. Shoulders for Taxiways
  4. Shoulders for Apron
  5. Hangarage
  6. Parking bay hardstand
  7. Taxiways
  8. Runways
  9. Aprons

Matting for Aircraft recovery on the ground

To assist with the rapid deployment of matting for an Aircrafts recovery at any airport due to it accidentally `slipping` off from any part of the movement or maneuvering area while utilizing these facilities, the F3 Group has developed a composite base matting infrastructure which can assist with that displaced aircrafts recovery and quickly solve an unexpected situation. (This includes ground recovery from soft, muddy or sand-based surface areas).

The advantages of utilizing the F3 Groups ground reinforcement product is that no specialist tools or machinery are required, and our inter-locking mat product is easily washable and re-usable.

Practical training on how to utilize the f3group patented product can be provided remotely or on-site and another positive aspect of this matting is that it can be easily rolled up so as not to take up unnecessary storage space when not in use.

No more need for heavy-duty cranes, time delays, and additional expenses to recover any displaced aircraft at an airfield.

Generic airfield layout illustrating the various matting solutions available:

Red     –  Pro Aero heavy-duty for runways

Beige  –  Pro Aero Light Duty for Taxiway, Apron and Hardstand parking


Yellow – Additional space for optional matting as per client’s request

Let us illustrate this further by looking at each section of the Airfield individually in order to explain each of these solutions available:


The landing speed of an aircraft averages between 60 knots for those that fall within the light category up to approximately 160 knots for any aircraft that falls within the medium to heavy category. No matter which category the aircraft falls into, they are ultimately landing at speed and slowly reducing this forward motion through a form of braking action. At that critical moment when the aircraft just touches down, the landing of the aircraft itself is still not assured until the aircraft has come to a complete landing roll and the pilot is able to commence with the taxi phase. It is between these two phases where an aircraft can easily veer off the runway unintentionally due to conditions such as:

  • Slippery runway
  • Obstruction on landing
  • Mechanical failure
  • Accidental (Human Factors)

The f3 group has thus developed a Pro Aero Heavy-duty Mat (with inserts) to ensure that an aircraft in this unfortunate situation has the back up of an additional hard surface to facilitate their braking action as they attempt to bring the aircraft back under control after having veered off the runway. With a PCN of 74 F/A/W/T and a PSI of 825, this matting will ensure that the aircraft has that additional infrastructure available when needed. In order to assist one avoiding unnecessary situations such as where an aircraft needs to be recovered from sand, grass or muddy ground conditions that exist in the shoulder area of any runway why not have a talk with one of our Team to find out how this product can best serve your safety needs and requirements.


At controlled airfields, all aircraft must comply with taxi speeds whereas at an uncontrolled airfield taxi this is normally observed as a `gentleman`s agreement` considering all procedures as stipulated in ICAO Annex 10 Volume 2.  In either instance an aircraft can still veer off the taxiway into the shoulder, (consisting generally of either soft sand, mud or grass) and become stuck due to any one of the following situations taking place:

  • Obstructions, (such as animals), resulting in avoiding action
  • Mechanical failure
  • Accidental (Human Factors)

In addition, an aircraft on tow along the taxiway can become displaced from the Tug, or the tug driver towing the aircraft could become distracted, lose focus, and veer off the taxiway unintentionally.

The f3 group has thus developed a Pro Aero Light duty Mat (without inserts) to ensure that an aircraft in this unfortunate situation has the back up of a shoulder with a PCN of 69 F/A/W/T and a PSI of 200 that could assist with a quicker, far safer, recovery process.


An Apron forms part of the Movement Area and facilitates not only the parking of Aircraft (where passengers embark and disembark to and from, but also accommodates additional services such as catering trucks, fuel bowsers, aircraft on tow and busses transporting passengers to name but a few.

It is considered to be a high-risk area due to the fact that not everyone is in contact with each other while operating within the limits of the Apron itself. It is therefore specifically for this reason that any apron shoulders which exist at your airfield are protected by at least a 50m wide f3 group matting (Pro Aero Mat light duty) to compensate for any unplanned situations that could potentially originate here which could cause a huge time delay in the airport operation itself.


In the same manner that the f3 group can assist you by incorporating their matting as an alternative to asphalt when preparing, runways, taxiways, or any other hard surface, this process can be extended to facilitate aircraft hangers.

This is a much more cost affordable option to choose as opposed to asphalt and will give your hangars floor surface a professional look and image.

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